is has been around since 2017, and in that time has published a large amount of quality content.
The blog content is related to all things motherhood, including pregnancy, post-partum, raising kids, home finances and frugal living tips, working from home, and more.
There is a weekly pregnancy email automation where subscribers can choose their pregnancy week and be given tips based on their development, similar to Baby Center.
This popular motherhood and pregnancy blog gets an average 36,600 monthly page views, from primarily social traffic.

Revenue & Expenses
The website is monetized with MediaVine, Amazon and affiliate links, earning about $500 per month. The only expenses are regular hosting (the seller uses SiteGround) and your own email service provider (the seller uses ConvertKit).
Domain Value
The domain alone has an estimated value of $1,183 USD.
Included in the sale
➤ Website & database (
➤ Domain
➤ Pinterest account (6,100 followers) and email list
How To Buy This Business
This website has sold. Contact us with any questions, and to inquire about purchasing any of our other listings below: